Everlytic DMARC, DKIM and SPF Configuration - Domain Authentication

August 16, 2024

How to Setup Everlytic DMARC, DKIM and SPF DNS Records?

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) helps prevent email spoofing by allowing domain owners to specify which mail servers are authorized to send email on behalf of their domain. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) adds a digital signature to your email headers, enabling the recipient's server to verify that the email has not been altered during transit and that it indeed comes from your domain. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) builds on SPF and DKIM. It allows domain owners to specify how receiving mail servers should deal with emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks.

You can configure these DNS records in the Everlytic help center. Add them to your DNS provider for verification. By doing this, you can prevent emails from going to the spam folder.

Setup Everlytic DKIM:

  1. Login to your DNS provider. We are using Cloudflare for this guide.

  2. Click on the domain you want to authenticate.

    Go to your Website in the DNS provider
  3. Go to the DNS tab and click Add Record.

    Click DNS, go to Records and hit the Add Record button

  4. Add the following DKIM records. Replace "customerdomain" with your domain name.

  5. Turn off the proxy status for each record before saving.

Everlytic DKIM 1

Type: CNAME Hostname: everlytickey1._domainkey.customerdomain.com Value: everlytickey1._domainkey.eversrv.com

Everlytic DKIM 2

Type: CNAME Hostname: everlytickey2._domainkey.customerdomain.com Value: everlytickey2._domainkey.eversrv.com

Add the CNAME DKIM record to the DNS dashboard

Setup Everlytic SPF:

  1. Click Add Record and select type TXT.

  2. In the Name field, write your domain name.

  3. In the content field, write the SPF value: v=spf1 include:eversrv.com ~all.

  4. Click Save.

    Add the TXT SPF record to your DNS dashboard

Merge Multiple SPF Records:

If your domain has an existing SPf record, merge it with the Everlytic SPF value to avoid conflicts.

  1. Go to the SPF Merge Tool.

  2. Add your domain name and Everlytic SPF value.

  3. Click Merge SPF Values.

    Merge multiple SPF records to get a single value

  4. Replace your existing value with the Merged value.

  5. Finally, click Save.

Setup Everlytic Bounce Records:

Setup the following bounce records in your DNS dashboard. Replace "customerdomain" with your domain name. Turn off the proxy status for each record.

Everlytic Bounce 1

Type: CNAME Hostname: eversrv.customerdomain.com Value: bounce-mx.eversrv.com

Everlytic Bounce 2

Type: CNAME Hostname: neutron.mailserv.customerdomain.com Value: bounce-mx.eversrv.com

Setup the bounce domain record

Setup Everlytic DMARC Record:

To generate a strict DMARC policy, use the DmarcDkim.com DMARC check tool. It also gives you insights into your DMARC reports so you can take measures to protect your domain.

  1. Go to the DMARC Check Tool.

  2. Add your domain name and click Check.

    Write down the domain name and click Check

  3. Copy the record name and Suggested value and add them to your DNS dashboard.

    Add the DMARC record to the DNS provider

  4. Click Sign up now to access the dashboard where you can see reports and DNS history.

For assistance and support, hire a DmarcDkim.com expert.