Hassle-free DMARC Solution

Elevate email campaigns and bypass spambox. Protect your brand from spoofing and monitor delivery performance with helpful insights. We help you to get through email hassle.

Protect & Secure

DMARC makes sure to protect your domain reputation against attacks and ensure a compliant set up.


DmarcDkim.com gives you easy to handle action plans on how to fix your email delivery


With our dashboards it's easy to catch misconfigured email sources. We show you all you need.

Maximize email delivery

Emails are not reaching your customers or land in Spam? We help you to get through.

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DMARC Analytics Dashboard

Email Delivery Rate

+25% increased

Easy start for everyone

For CEOs, marketers, product managers, developers and everyone who wants to take emails under control.

Domain DMARC check

Identify potential threats to your domain security and email deliverability. No expert knowledge needed!

1 Check your Domain

Get instant check results & weak spots highlights

2 Start Monitoring

Connect to DmarcDkim.com to see your DMARC reports

3 Maximize Delivery

Access dashboard and get an overview of misconfigured email sources

4 Become Protected

We will guide you through the process of becoming DMARC compliant

Protect your company reputation

Protect your brand's reputation, customers and your own employees from email spoofing attacks. DMARC, with strict policy settings, identifies and blocks fraudulent emails pretending to be from your domain.

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Business Email Compromise

A common attack that uses email spoofing is CEO Fraud, also known as Business Email Compromise (BEC), is a $26 billion scam according to the FBI.

The Canadian City Treasure was tricked into transferring $98,000 from taxpayer funds by an attacker claiming to be city manager Steve Kanellakos.
The Crelan bank in Belgium was tricked into sending attackers €70 million by an attacker pretending to be the CEO.

DMARC Questions & Answers

Why sending domain does not pass DMARC verification?

Most common reasons for sending domains not to pass DMARC verification are: misalignment between "From" header and DKIM/SPF domains, incorrect DKIM configuration, SPF record issues, email forwarding without ARC seal, unauthorized third-party senders, DNS propagation delays, message modification in transit. DmarcDkim.com was made specifically to backtrace DMARC verification failures.

How do I implement DMARC?

Implementing DMARC starts with adding a `_dmarc` TXT record to your domain's DNS settings. This record contains the DMARC policy, an email address to receive DMARC reports and other configuration settings. Once the DNS record is set up, you can monitor and analyze the DMARC reports to identify and address any email authentication issues.

What are the benefits of using DMARC?

Using DMARC provides several benefits: protection against email spoofing and phishing attacks, improved email deliverability and reputation, visibility into email authentication results and potential issues, ability to take action on unauthorized email senders, enhanced brand protection and customer trust.

Can DMARC affect legitimate emails?

DMARC has the potential to affect legitimate email delivery if not implemented correctly. It is important to carefully configure the DMARC policy and monitor the DMARC reports to ensure that legitimate email sources are properly authenticated. By gradually implementing DMARC and analyzing the reports, you can minimize any impact on legitimate email delivery.

How can I interpret DMARC reports?

Interpreting DMARC reports involves analyzing the data provided in the reports to understand the email authentication results. The reports typically include information such as the sending IP addresses, authentication results (pass, fail, etc.), and the domains involved in the email authentication process. By reviewing and understanding these details, you can identify any unauthorized email senders and take appropriate action. DmarcDkim.com Analytics are designed to enrich and interpret DMARC reports data for you.

Are there any limitations when using DMARC?

DMARC relies on the support and implementation of email receivers (e.g., ISPs, email service providers). Not all receivers fully support DMARC, which can impact the effectiveness of DMARC enforcement. DMARC can generate a significant amount of data in the form of DMARC reports. It is important to have a system in place to process and analyze these reports effectively. Implementing DMARC requires careful configuration and monitoring to avoid impacting legitimate email delivery. DMARC does not provide protection against all types of email threats, such as social engineering attacks or malware attachments.

DmarcDkim.com — Trust in Every Message

About Us

We are dedicated to making the world safer by spreading knowledge. Our mission is to accelerate worldwide DMARC adoption, protecting email infrastructure and boosting delivery rates. We handle the complex challenges of email security and deliverability, so you can focus on what matters most to your business.